
Pinebeetle Net

The Pine Beetle Ham Radio Net was formed in 1994 with 13 charter members listed below in which only 2 remain. We have since inducted several many new members. We are a ragchew group that gets together daily from 6:30AM to 7:40AM on 80 meters around 3763.50 + or -. The discussions range from ham radio, computers, RV camping, all the way to religion and conservative politics. Come sit in with us sometime and give us your feedback. Our only request is to be respectful to all.

Charter Members
Quinton L. Berry WA5QL (Silent Key) Deceased Dec 26, 1919
Don Bishop KJ5SI (Silent key) Deceased Oct 27, 2016
John Caldow W4DJS (Silent key) Deceased Dec 31, 2007
Carroll Crager KK5BC (Silent key) Deceased Dec 4, 2004
Pat D'Ostilio KOYPV (Silent key) Deceased Dec 13, 2003
Charles Graham KC5G Lufkin, TX kc5g@consolidated.net
Ken Graham NE5K Lufkin, TX ne5k@consolidated.net
Ralph Graves KK5JO (Silent key) Deceased Sep 20, 1998
K. J. Hughes KK5BE (Silent Key) Deceased Jul 30, 2010
Bill Koon KK5PS (Silent key) Deceased Nov 11, 2007
Joe Richards WD5EHR (Silent key) Deceased Jun 13, 2013
Merl Saxon W5CNM (Silent key) Deceased Nov 28, 2007
Willie Worley WA5PRH (Silent Key) Deseased Jan 18, 2021
Regular Members
Murvil Lipsey Jr. N5ML (Silent key) Deceased June 2, 2007
Jack Savage AC5DE (Silent key) Deceased Oct 19, 2008
Tom Dichiara AC5MR Rossville, TN tdichiara@bellsouth.net
Norm Brown KD5VG (Silent key) Deceased Nov 25, 2003
Jeff Little KM5RA Lufkin, TX km5ra@yahoo.com
Gene Guedry WA5TX Ft. Worth, TX wa5tx@earthlink.net
Bill Presley KD4GP Athens, Al kd4g@pclnet.net
Paul Price K0WN Ft. Worth, TX kØwn@sbcglobal.net
Wendall Bagwell KC5ESS Blue Ridge kc5ess@kc5ess.us
Bill Reed WA5TX Springtown, TX aokd5fxt@cs.com
Roy Reynolds KZ5RR Rhome, TX kc5zub@juno.com
Dave Comptom K5AMA Webster, TX k5ama@earthlink.net
George Yeary KC5PEV Richardson, TX kc5pev@yahoo.com
Larry N Carman N5BIP The Colony, TX lncarman@swbell.net
Fred W. Finch KA5LBJ Fort Worth, TX finchnest@gmail.com
Don J. Brown KA5AAA Keller, TX ka5aaa@aol.com
Clarence W. Coffey W5EPV (Silent Key) Deceased
Jim Clark WM5L Brownwood, TX wm5l@yahoo.com
Jerry F. Johnson Jr N5JFJ Silsbee, TX Jerry1735@sbcglobal.net
Jackie Stanley Jr. KM5TT Springtown, TX km5tt@netzero.net
Gary F. McClain K5JNX Pryor, OK Deceased
Paul V. Blumhardt K5RT Rowlett, TX k5rt@verizon.net
Bill Clark W5VW (Silent Key) Deceased
Dan Weigel WB0WKQ Orient, Iowa wb0wq@dishmail.net
Arnold White KB5AZX Moulton, Alabama
Roger Moore W5ZL Converse, Texas w5zl@arrl.net
Samuel Kirsch AA5SK Gulfport, Ms
Larry Dowdy N5RES Azle, TX
Bill Wheeler N5ODX Temple, TX n5odx@mail.net
Edward M Le Blanc KA9LAY Austin, TX
Daniel Hileman WX5WX Tecumseh, OK
Hal Pagel N5JLL Temple, TX
Joe Keith KF5S Sadler, TX
Curtis Boatright N5RMY Frisco, TX papa2radio@tx.rr.com
Michael Payne K5MFP Frisco, TX k5mfp@arrl.net
Grant Laughlin W5XJ Austin, TX w5xj@arrl.net
Dennis Fender NU5C Temple, TX dlfen55@live.com

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.  John 15:13